I'm a sucker for seasonal food not to mention ALLLL things pumpkin spice, however giving up my year's worth of hard work in the gym to indulge and embrace the season is a little bit of a turn off. This guy is definitely the answer. Sugar free, Paleo, Dairy free and packed full of all of the favourite seasonal flavours, this Chia pudding works perfectly as a snack, breakfast or dessert. Enjoy! 

Ok so this one really is stupidly easy.....
1 &1/4 cup almond milk
5 tbs chia seeds
2 tsp pumpkin spice
2 tbs fresh ginger (grated)
1 cup pumpkin purée
3 drops of stevia (optional)

- Combine all ingredients in a bowl and and leave in the fridge for an hr waiting for seeds to expand and magic to happen
- Once seeds have expanded stir again
- Spoon into glass and serve, top with walnuts, coconut and serve.